¿Por qué usar Field Tracker?
Optimiza recursos: Asigna tareas y proveedores de forma eficiente.
Control centralizado: Monitorea supervisores y tareas desde una sola plataforma.

¿Qué es Field Tracker?
In a single platform you will be able to have task assignment, operational tracking and information consolidation in a central dashboard.

Experience and benefits
This platform offers real-time control and tracking of locations by customer, region, district and zone, with customized KPI dashboard and digitization of field management.
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¿Qué es Field Tracker?
In a single platform you will be able to have task assignment, operational tracking and information consolidation in a central dashboard.
¿Por qué usar Field Tracker?
Optimiza recursos: Asigna tareas y proveedores de forma eficiente.
Control centralizado: Monitorea supervisores y tareas desde una sola plataforma.
Experience and benefits
This platform offers real-time control and tracking of locations by customer, region, district and zone, with customized KPI dashboard and digitization of field management.
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